Dinner menu

All our dishes are freshly cooked, braised and baked using predominantly regional and when possible organic produce!

• Aperetif-recommendation •

„Otti Spezial“109,00 €
homemade fruit- or blossom extract with sparkling wine

• Starters •

Organic food is also a philosophical statement to your own life.

Our favorite salad,1,5,6,8,1013,50 €
homemade raw vegetable salads and lettuce on top with styrian pumpkinseed-oil
Baked goat cheese1,2,5,6,818,50 €
with homemade mustard pickle sorbet and cream of beetroot and white chocolate

Carpaccio of buffalo and veal filet5,6,1022,50 €
with mushrooms, rocked salad
and freshly grated “Grana”-cheese
Original Ottenthal farmers smoked ham817,50 €
with mustard pickle
and freshly grated horseradish

• Soups •

Iced cucumber soup 5,6,911,00 €
with hummus dumpling
Clear soup of beef1,2,5,710,50 €
with sliced pancakes
Cream of pumpkin-soup1,2,5,7,10,1110,50 €
with pumpkinseed-oil

• Main dishes •

Classic with meat

Wiener Schnitzel1,2,831,50 €
breaded fried escalope from the saddle of organic veal
with potato- and lamb's lettuce salad
Tafelspitz1,2,5,735,50 €
classic boiled beef (organic German beef ) with small fried potatoes, creamed spinach and apple-horseradish-sauce, chives-sauce
Debreziner Gulyas1,2,5,729,50 €
organic German beef and Debreziner sausages with homemade bread dumpling
Zwiebelrostbraten1,5,737,50 €
medium roasted Entrecote from well aged German beef
with onion-sauce, green-beans, roasted potatoes and fried onions
Cordon Bleu from the saddle of organic veal1,2,538,50 €
(stuffed with Vorarlberger mountain dairy cheese and exquisite rosemary ham) with potato- and cucumber salad
Fresh ragout of seasonal venison1,2,5,6,7,8,1035,50 €
from the surrounding Brandenburg with vegetables, marinated chickpeas and roasted Tyrolean bread dumplings

Vegetarian and fish

Kässpätzle (kind of cheese noodles)1,2,524,50 €
with original mountain cheese from a private alpine dairy farm of the Bregenz forest, homemade onion rings and cucumber salad
Fillet of Char1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1028,50 €
with seasonal vegetables, homemeade gnocchi and tarragon sauce
Wiegner Schnitzel1,6,7,8,10 31,50 €
our homemade vegan alternative to the Original with potato- and lamb's lettuce salad, cranberries
Fresh chanterelles1,2,530,50 €
in cream sauce with homemade bread dumpling or noodles

• Desserts •

Austria is well-known for very good predicate wines, which fit wonderfully to  desserts. Our staff will be pleased to advice you.

Kaiserschmarrn 1,2,5,1016,90 €
raisin pancake in small pieces with stewed plums
Ottenthaler "Apricot Tascherl"
(a kind of empanada)
1,2,5,616,50 €
with butter-nut crumbles
Viennese Apple strudel - Our darling! with whipped cream1,2,5,69,50 €
with one scoop of vanilla ice cream13,00 €
Ottenthaler „Baumkuchen“ 1,2,5,6,10,1113,00 €
with whipped cream
Sorbet of the day107,00 €
with or without sparkling wine - for in between or for dessert
Ottenthaler Sachertorte with whipped cream1,2,5,1010,00 €

• Cheese •

please ask the waiter for our the daily offer

Dear guests, please bear in mind that all our dishes are prepared fresh and that it may take some time. Thank you for your patience!
We do not add additives, such as glutamate, to our dishes..

1 gluten, 2 egg, 3 fish, 4 shellfish, 5 milk, 6 nuts, 7 celery, 8 mustard, 9 sesame, 10 sulfite, 11 soya

Reservations: +49 30 3133162